Welcome to Maha Bodhi Society of India

An International premier Buddhist Organisation, established by Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala in 1891

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About Maha Bodhi Society of India

It is the premier international Buddhist organization founded by Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala on 31st May 1891 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the onset, their main objective was to use it as a frontline vehicle for the worldwide followers of The Buddha, to have the right to worship the most holy Buddhagaya Temple, in Gaya district of the Bihar state, India – where Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained supreme Enlightenment, thus becoming The Tathagata Buddha. In addition their objective was also to restore all places related to the life of The Buddha – The Most Compassionate One, to enable spread His unbounded Compassion upon sentient beings all over the World.

Documentary on our Founder Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala




Our Great Personalities

Founder's Parents

Mudliyar Hewawitharana & Mallika Hewawitharana

It is the parents who mould and shape the culture of a child both physically and mentally. Here, both Don Carolis and his wife Mallika brought up young David in a traditional Sinhala Buddhist atmosphere with both instruction and training for the good of the whole of humanity.

The parents of Anagarika Dharmapala were not only influenced his ‘work’ but gave him the moral and the financial backing for his services in Ceylon and abroad. Angarika Dharmapala’s parents were the giants behind the success of his mission, philosophy and life.

‘It is a commonplace of educational psychology that the influences to which a child is subjected to during its earliest years more or less determine the whole course of its subsequent development, and the biography of Dharmapala provides us with no exception to this rule.

Latest News, Announcement, Post, Update and Report

MBSI Celebrates 2568th Buddha Purnima

Here are glimpses of the 2568th Buddha Purnima celebration from Headquarters and Centres of Maha Bodhi Society of India

Sacred Relics Exposition at Buddhagaya Centre – 2024

The three-day long celebration of 17th Anniversary of Jaya Siri Maha BodhiVihara and the sacred relics exposition of the Buddha and his chief disciples Arhants Sariputta and Maha Mogallana was held on 1st Feb to 3rd Feb, 2024.

Kathina Civara Dana Ceremony at Sarnath Centre – 2023

Exposition of the Sacred Relics of Lord Buddha at Sarnath Centre

The Sacred Relics of the Buddha were exposed for public veneration and worship in Mulagandha Kuti Vihara, Sarnath, Varanasi from 25th to 27th Nov. 2023. The exposition went on very smoothly and about 3,000 devotees and pilgrims got the rare sight of sacred Relics. Distribution of the sacred relics When he was eighty, Buddha died […]

Kathina Civara Dana Celebrates at Buddhagaya centre

Kathina Civara Dana ceremony Celebrates at MBSI Headquarters, Kolkata

The Annual Kathina Civara Dana ceremony was held at MBSI Headquarters, Kolkata on 11th Nov, 2023