Being the first centre of the Maha Bodhi Society, Buddha Gaya Centre plays an important role in Buddhist activities here. It has become the bounden duty of this centre to continue the aims and objects of late Anagarika Dharmapala when establishing the Society.
The Dhammaduta monks at the Centre are devotedly performing the social and religious activities at the Buddha Gaya center, while assisting the pilgrims who visit here from India and foreign countries by providing the much wanted accommodation for them.
Thousands of pilgrims who come here annually visit the Centre to obtain religious guidance, and lodging and boarding facilities.
The Dharmasala which was built in 1914 by Anagarika Dharmapala is managed by the Maha Bodhi Society of India Centre at Buddhagaya and it can provide shelter to hundred pilgrims at a time. It is maintained by donations from devotees and visiting pilgrims. The Buddha Gaya Centre has carried out several social welfare activities which include providing desks, chairs and benches to a few schools around the Buddha Gaya in the recent past.
Medical Facilities including Ambulance and a homeopathic free dispensary are being provided by the Society to the needy ones and to cater to the poor in the locality.
This Centre always work in collaboration with other International Buddhist monasteries and religious organisations in and around the Buddha Gaya town and work together in social and cultural activities for the benefit of the common people. At Ven. Anagarika Dharmapala Memorial Library books on Buddhism and Indology are made available to the visitors and pilgrims.
The Central Government officials and the Ministers and the officials of the State Government of Bihar extend their fullest co- operation to the activities of the Centre. The security personnel including the State and the provincial Police officers are rendering an important service to the Centre as well wishers.
The Bhikkhu-in-Charge of the Centre is promoting public relations and good will with the people of the area and with the pilgrims who come from India and foreign countries.
It is our belief that though Anagarika Dharmapala is no more his spirit and idealism guide our destines and steer us on the correct path to serve the cause of Buddhism and mankind through our humanitarian activities.
Let his memory live with us and his moving spirit guide us and future generation to strengthen the Society with bonds of unity and co-operation.
The Center is extending the following Activities
Under the able guidance of Ven. P Seewalee Thero, the current General Secretary of the Maha Bodhi Society of India, Buddhagaya centre is extending a commendable service to the Society and the Buddhist community around the globe.
The Buddhagaya Centre is extending the following activities:-
Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Vihara: The hall of the heritage old Maha Bodhi Rest House built by Devamitta Anagarika Dharmapala, founder of Maha Bodhi Society has been converted into a magnificent Vihara named Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Vihara.
Maha Bodhi Pilgrims Rest House: It is the first Dharmshala of Buddhagaya built by its founder Ven. Anagarika Dharmapala in 1901. It has been modified and a new building has been added to the complex to accommodate and facilitate a large number of pilgrims.
Ven. Anagarika Dharmapala Memorial Library: It has a good collection of books on Buddhism and other Philosophies. It render free service to research students of Buddhist studies and general readers.
International Buddhist Information Centre
Ven. Anagarika Dharmapala Memorial Hall
Publication of Sambodhi: It is the literary Buddhist journal of the center published Annually with articles by renowned scholars on various disciplines of Buddhism and information about Buddhist activities.
Maha Bodhi Charitable Homeopathic Dispensary. Founded by Lt. Ven. Bulath Singhala Pannarama Thero , the dispensary looks after the needs of the local and needy people by giving them free medicines and treatment. A team of dedicated doctors and staff help in maintaining the proper functioning of the Dispensary.
Maha Bodhi Vidyapeeth
Ambulance Service for needy: Started in 1997, the Ambulance service is serving the community by taking the sick peo;oe to hospitals at a minimum cost so that the service is inexpensive and easy to use by less fortunate ,ambulance service the Buddhagaya Centre of the Maha Bodhi Society of India is one of the first to reach the spot of any natural calamity of disaster.
Maha Bodhi Ekala Vidyalaya
Maha Bodhi Monthly Lecture/Discourse Programme: The society makes arrangement of inviting a Venerable monk or a scholar every month to deliver discourse/lecture on a given topic concerning any aspect of Buddhism.
Maha Bodhi Newsletter (Quaterly):
Samanera Training Programme: The center has started Training programme for the freshly ordained novices and for the monks of the locality, so that the monks of Buddhagaya may present a serene look and behavior prescribed for them.
Meditation Hall
A Book shop
Festivities & Celebrations at Buddhagaya Centre
Anniversary Celebration of Jaya Sri Vihara: – On the Occasion of 2550th Buddha Jyanti Celebrations in 2006-07 the Pilgrims Rest built by Srimat Anagarika Dharmapala was converted into Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Vihara. A three-day Ceremonious function is held on 1st to 3rd February every year.
Exposition of the sacred Relics of Sakyamuni Buddha and His Chief disciples Arhants Sariputta and Maha Moggalana:- The sacred Relics caskets enshrined in the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Vihara are opened for the public exposition on the Anniversary days i.e. Feb 1st to 3rd and the ceremony concludes with a large procession.
Buddha Purnima on Vaishaka Full Moon Day:- the thrice sacred day is celebrated with special puja shobhayatra, Dhammasabha and other functions.
Vassāvāsa: – Three months Rainy season Retreat is observed at the centre with recitation of the Tipitaka texts, Dhamma discussion in which five venerable monks from Sri Lanka, well versed in Pali come here every year to guide the related rituals and ceremonies.
Anagarika Dharmmapala Day: The Birth Anniversary of the founder of the Mahabodhi Society, the greatest Buddhist revivalist of 19th & 20th century is celebrated on the 17th September with so many functions such as students Speech essay, Drawing, Songs contests on Buddhist themes. Dhammasabha, shobhayatra, Public Meeting, Seminar etc. are organised.
Kathina & Mahapritranapatha Ceremony:- At the conclusion of the vassāvasa, a grand ceremony of Kathina Civara Dana, and the whole might chanting of Maha Paritränasutra are held in which a large number of Srilankan devotees and monks participate. This is one of most auspicious functions of the centre.