It was the wish of the Buddha that everyone should learn the Dharma in his own tongue, and in accordance with this principle an enormous Buddhist literature has been produced in numerous languages. The Maha Bodhi Society of India has not been backward in its efforts to provide suitable books and pamphlets on Buddhism for those who desired to study the Arya Dharma of the Tathāgata, and in the course of since 1892 it has published a large amount of literature not only in English but also in modern Indian languages such as Hindi and Bengali, the classical tongues Sanskrit and Pali, as well as in other languages such as Tibetan and Newari. A brief account of the more important of these publications will no doubt be of interest to readers of this Souvenir, and give them another glimpse of the steadily growing influence of Buddhism in modern India.
Publications by MBSI Headquarters & its Centres
The Maha Bodhi Society of India Headquarters, Kolkata publishes the journal “THE MAHA BODHI” (ISSN: 0025 0406) and has a long list of publication on its name. “THE MAHA BODHI” has been included in UGC care list by the Government of India.

Our Editors

Books and Monographs
MBSI, Sarnath Centre
The MBSI, Sarnath centre publishes annual journal “Dharmadoot” (ISSN: 2347-3428), which has been included in UGC care list, Government of India.

MBSI, Bodh Gaya Centre