The service of the sick is one of the noblest works according to Buddhism. There is a heart touching story how the supreme Buddha, with his own hands, tended the sick Tissa, who had been abandoned by all on account of the foulness of his disease. The supreme Buddha’s attitude to the question of relieving suffering is well expressed in the following advice given to the Bhikkhus “he who attends the sick attends on me.”
In pursuance of this advice, Buddhists of all ages have led the world in the work of ameliorating the sufferings of humanity. It was the Buddhist Emperor Asoka who for the first time established hospitals in India not only for men but also for animals. This tradition has been always followed by the Buddhists, and the establishment of the Dispensary at MBSI Headquarters, Kolkata, Sarnath and Buddhagaya and is in keeping with that noble tradition.